🌸Hold Your Heart in Devotion

Flow, My Love 🌊

My loves,

🌸 A huge part of being feminine is being Free.

Freedom of movement, freedom of mind.

Like there is no limit, or boundaries to any thought, or idea you conceive.

The feminine energy is best explained as the nature of water, which flows and is always in motion, is always in momentum. 🌊 If you place that water in any pitcher, it will take its form.

In other words, it will become what holds it.

Similarly, feminine energy becomes the idea it holds in her consciousness. That’s her brilliance. ✨

Do you realize that power?

Fem energy can’t help but flow. If her very nature, is to constantly transform, to renew, and when it is objected to and stopped, she cannot live life.

💖 Love is freedom. Love is an emotion best explained as a perennial river of energy. With these analogies, I feel if a woman’s heart is not open, she cannot be in her flow state of being, the state of Love.

The physical renewal of energy happens through the monthly menstruation cycle. It is then, no coincidence that women with irregularities or abnormalities in their cycles harbor pain in their hearts.

The heart of a woman thus is connected with her feminine nature.

🌺 How to feel at home in yourself again if you feel too far gone-

1. Hold loving awareness in you.

2. Now whatever is bugging you, allow it to become as big as it wants to be.

3. Say you are feeling off-balance. Off-balance can feel like tension in your heart, lower back, etc.

4. However small that feeling of off-balance is, allow it to magnify.

5. Make it so big in your loving safety that now it cannot be ignored.

6. This feeling wants to be SEEN.

7. Then, whatever makes you feel safe - touch, massage, breathing with intent, movement with music - do it 🎶 (I love massaging myself thinking kind feelings) 💆‍♀️

8. The idea is to be in a space where the heart is fully open, so we can sit in that Heart and see what comes through

9. Sometimes what comes through the heart is pain, grief, and anger (mostly for women) 😢 

10. Continue creating a space for safety through breath, movement, and touch

11. Don’t make sense of these feelings with your mind

12. Just sit with them, and treat them as a whole another person, something that ISN’T YOU

🌟 One Big Tip- Do Not Write Feelings. I’ve done it for too many years. At best, it can make you a Writer 😛 It won’t help much.

Do the “feel” work first because that sensation in the body needs to be recognized.

Develop a practice where you feel safe enough to allow the sensations and feelings to show up.

Else, if you try to make sense of them or repress them, they will feel unheard.

My loves, hold your Heart in Devotion. It’s the key to the Feminine in You.

Beyond Earthly Love,

Zitni Zun <3


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