The Free Spirit of the Feminine

Flow State of Being

Darling angels, 🌸

We are born free - our spirits dance on the reflecting sunlight on water; every atom within us wants to swell in joy, reach for the skies, laugh endlessly, love unapologetically, and live passionately. 🌟

If it was up to nature, this would be the One True Way to live.

But obligations, like grapevines knarled around an innocent tree, weigh us down until we are 6 Feet Under.

This is not a eulogy to women who have sacrificed their lives for their family and friends.

This is the realization I want you to have as fellow fairies. Do you want to die a martyr, or live a life devoted to your dreams?

Why then, do you not pour into your own cup?

What is this human obsession with ownership and sacrifice?

Why can’t you choose people who choose you, who prioritize you? Who don’t give you a lecture on how you should be, but rather accept and understand your space and desires. And the ones who want to share worldly responsibilities with you.

You have not been brought down to Earth for a lifetime of misery and work.

You can read this newsletter today because you’ve won the lottery.

The mad chance, 400 trillion to 1, of being born as a human! 🌏

Your life cannot just be within the periphery of household work, mental to-do lists, professional commitments, and passing out at night to repeat all this again!

Remember the girl who laughed wildly, who ran barefoot in lavender fields, who enjoyed the shade of mango trees on a hot summer day, and read Enid Blyton until she fell asleep?

That girl is still within you. 👧

It isn’t selfish to desire the feminine need of flowing, like a breeze.

Be respectful of your nature, and be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself as you would of a child. Give yourself the attention that you would give to others in need.

There is strength in your softness, in your vulnerabilities.

Let go of the need to please, to be perfect, to prove.

You are whole, you are divine. ✨

Your femininity is not a role to be played in the society. It is an essence to be felt, a journey to be lived.

When in doubt, whisper: I am free, I am powerful, I am whole, I am enough. Let this thought anchor you again to your soul.

I am proud of you,

Zitni Zun

P.S. If you want a friend, I am here ⬇️

Disclaimer:  I do not own the featured photo. Please note that the image and copyright belong to their original owners. No copyright infringement intended.


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