💔Extreme S*x Cultures: Let’s Talk

Purity Police vs. Hookup Hype: Where’s the Love?

Hi my angels!

In this polarized society, it’s hard to maintain a middle ground backed with morals. Extreme opinions are often agenda-driven, and people are too lost to form their own, so they just fall onto either side of the scale.

⚖️ Degeneracy vs. Purity Culture: The Two Ends of a Spectrum ⚖️

In 2024, youth is flocking to either end—there is no middle ground. An ex-degenerate might become a highly religious “born-again” individual, and vice-versa, imposing their beliefs on others. On the other hand, someone who believes in purity may be seduced into the hookup culture.

💔 The Distortion of Sexuality 💔

Today, the physical act of having sex is so perverse that it’s no longer lovemaking. Hookup culture makes sex as easy as a handshake, while purity culture shrouds it in shame, especially for women.

🧘‍♀️ The Loss of Sacred Sexuality 🧘‍♂️

Sex is no longer viewed as a spiritual experience, the most natural act that leads to the creation of life, and should be treated with respect. Unfortunately, people today aren’t having as much sex as our ancestors. They are going from birth to death without experiencing this gift with a love partner.

📉 The Decline in Sexual Drive 📉

With a huge decrease in testosterone and increasing stress in our environment, men and women have lost the drive for lovemaking.

It’s normal for older people to lose drive because they become too Yin (in traditional Chinese Medicine described as - passive, receptive, and feminine energy).

But what’s up with the youngsters? The ones in their 20s? Why is their energy stagnated, weak, and more Yang (active, aggressive, and masculine)?

🤖 The Impact of AI on Sexual Relationships 🤖

The AI has destroyed our generation. Watching pornography, using sex dolls, vibrators, and stroking devices has led to a society where people are “getting off” alone. There is no need to be with a partner anymore and cultivate love.

These weapons cater to both the degenerates and the purity movement - creating a population of people obsessed with sex but failing in love.

🚫 Degenerate Culture and Its Effects 🚫

The degenerates have distorted sex through a “sex positivity” culture, promoting illegal and immoral kinks. An example - Teaching kids younger than 8 about sex, LGBT stuff, being gender “fluid”, sex-change operations, etc. - all trying to create children with confused identities and obsession over sex.

This hookup culture is only meant for release. After they are done with one person, they’ll already be scouting the “dating” apps for their next partner. It’s like wine tasting at a celebrated vineyard.

The culture also includes the gender-fluid crowd who will do it with anyone or any-thing. They are charging the industry of sex dolls and vibrators - robbing their senses of the pleasure of Sacred Sex.

⛔ Purity Culture and Its Repercussions ⛔

On the other hand, the Purity Culture squad shames women for having pre-marital sex and demands submission in the bedroom. For them women’s desires are irrelevant. It blames women for “inspiring” sexual thoughts in men; she has to cover up entirely, not look too appealing or suggestive through makeup and clothes, and not walk, talk, or act, in ways that can seduce a man. I mean c’mon 😛

Men and women are meant to be attracted to each other, what’s the shame? Purity culture treats sex as a hush-hush topic and only for the benefit of lust (not love) for men.

We see its manifestations daily. It’s the people who shame women for being “loose”, or even attracting male attention. Remember my blog on Fake Alpha Men? Exactly.

Just because this bunch of men don’t get the beautiful and intelligent women, they start hating them and calling them insulting things - Sour Grapes 😛

This group of misogynists and incels join the MGTOW (Men Go Their Own Way) or some other women-hating troupe but refuse to work on themselves, grow as a person, groom, and find a god-loving wife for creating a family.

Or they can be the Highly Religious, God-Fearing brigade. The people obsessed with their idea of God, forcing others to submit. Who keep their honor in the sexuality of a woman.

💔 The War on Genuine Romantic Relationships

Both the Purity and Degenerate cultures are enemies of genuine romantic relationships. In both cases, men and women don’t know how to give and receive pleasure, relying on pornography for their sexual expectations.

💖 Moving from Extremes to Genuine Intimacy 💖

Sex is Sacred. It’s not disgusting, nor is it pious. It shouldn’t be dependent upon a legal document by the State.

Men need to learn about their reproductive health, understand how to control their organ, learn how to retain their seed, and postpone orgasm. They need to build hobbies outside of work to blow off steam and take care of their bodies.

Women need to learn healthy ways of coping emotionally, increasing their self-worth, learning about their reproductive health, experimenting and being more in sync with their bodies, and taking care of their physical health.

Both shouldn’t obsess about the technicalities in lovemaking like it's a staged performance. The content in girls' magazines on the best positions and the how-tos are a bunch of crap. Sex is natural; with exploring your partner, everything will come naturally.

The point is to connect in a union.

Many men don’t even know how to touch a woman. It’s important to be emotionally connected to a woman first, so she can pull her guard down.

Similarly, women don’t realize how visual men are. They are so trapped in bodily insecurities that they don’t enjoy the moment.

Learn each other’s emotional and sexual expression. Experiment with non-sexual activities like cooking, eating, and dancing together.

Get rid of these toys that essentially desensitize you.

🧘‍♂️ Embracing Tantra: The Art of Sacred Lovemaking 🧘‍♀️

Tantra teaches us that lovemaking has to be intimate and enjoyable for both partners without the goal of simply “getting off.” Breathe together and have the best orgasmic experience!

🌸 Happy Lovemaking! 🌸


Zitni Zun


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